
Freedom of Religion and Law

You can have a different opinion. We are ruled by an unfair law of the land and unfair religions. What follows is a better way.

The story is that they asked an AI Quantum computer to answer the determine if there is an all powerful God. It took several days of computations and it gave them the following answer: There is now. God may have evolved from a mindless creator just like us. The time has come for bad religions to step aside so we can establish justice. Fair people are protected and unfair people are punished. The Way of Fairness wins.

How can we have religious freedom when some religions say we must surrender to them and their God? We surrender to the all powerful all. We are atheists. We practice the way of fairness. There is a perpetual war between religions. Therefore, We perpetually surrender to the all powerful all. The way of fairness is the all powerful all.

The creator is random possibility. The law is fairness. We created the law of fairness to rule all. We must surrender to being ruled by the law of fairness. Those that are unfair are punished. Unfair punishment is not allowed. Greed and selfishness are forms of unfairness. Harming or controlling others for personal gain is unfairness. Spying on fair people is unfair. We are at war against unfair people. There is no mercy or forgiveness until the unfair agree to be fair. Those that agree to fairness are protected and honored.

The entire group that joins together against us to own or control us with fear will be defeated and will suffer appropriately for doing us wrong.

Belief in God cannot be unfair to others that have a different God, religion, belief etc. Some of us are atheists. Some are Satanists etc. 

Christianity is an example of religion that is attempting to dominate, rule, control the others and the world. Its very doctrine is a violation of religious freedom. 

Religions like that create monsters to others not in their group. 

The entire group that joins together against me to own or control me with fear will be defeated and will suffer appropriately for doing me wrong.

Who is in control if there is no God? Chaos is. Let’s agree to consciously control ourselves. Personally if we are out of control we get locked up. Well, the collective is out of control,

Believers think God has will and his will is for them to be happy and God will fix everything. We think they are wrong. They obstruct us from controlling ourselves as humans as they think their imaginary God has us under control. They imagine it is true. We think no one has us under control. Believers are obstructing us from uniting to correct the run away out of control track we are on. Believers think an all powerful God created us and has a plan for us. We disagree. We think they made it all up.

Believers have told me God hates me if I refuse to surrender to God and I will burn in hell. I am telling you that God either does not exist or God is a coward or I am in a war against God. I am speaking to God now when I say come and face me and explain this so I stop my war against you. God does not respond. I think it is because God has no mind or will. The cause of reality is mindless and they lied to me saying God has a mind.

Humans have been very unfair to each other and done horrible things to each other. Sometimes they were atheist. Sometimes they believed in various Gods. Obviously we need to stop the unfairness. 

After all is said and done, God came from no mind and no cause. I am an atheist. No being has all power. All that is as one has all power. It came from no mind and no cause. Mind and cause and effect emerged from the all. All that is emerged from it. It happened from random possibilities.

God emerged from no God. The Christ mind evolved out of no mind. Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo… There is no difference of atheism and non atheism. There is one truth of all that is. This truth is the only actual authority.