
First Time on Same Page

First Time That All Humans Are On The Same Page

Once you look into our world situation of humans on planet Earth you realize some things that are causing our problems. 

We realize that we have 2 sides to us. One side is fair to others and the other side is unfair to others. Humans can be selfish, greedy and cruel. This is first experienced in childhood. Children can be cruel and unfair to others. The opposite is also apparent in childhood. Children can be kind and fair to others. They can be protective of each other, protecting everyone from unfairness. None of us want to be treated unfairly. These traits continue with us into adulthood. We must be required to stop our cruel unfairness and become a good person. Do we agree to be fair to everyone?  

Historically, unfairness was never a sin. I think it should be the only sin and then all the religions would stop causing wars and suffering. It was not in the ten commandment to not be unfair to anyone. Maybe be ye therefore perfect should mean simply to be fair to everyone. Would this not be perfect enough? If all of us were fair to everyone then everyone would be fair to you and me. Everyone would turn against anyone that is being unfair to you and me.

As humans our lives need structure and direction. We need rules we must follow. Our entire lives need direction. Simply, we must be required to be fair to everyone. Everything other than this simple rule over complicates what it actually is about. 

We need to get all religions and governments to simultaneously agree to be fair to everyone. This is the only fair way. In the past this would not have been possible. Worldwide communication was non-existent. This can be done with ease since we have the internet. For the first time this rule that all humans are required to be fair to all humans can actually happen. We will all be on the same page.

The purpose of all humanity can be to protect our families from unfairness by making sure everyone is provided for and no one is treated unfairly. 

All of our religions could include an opening statement stating that any part of the scripture that causes unfairness to others or to members shall not be practiced any longer. 

All governments could have a primary purpose to establish fairness for all humans. 

If we do this agreement of fairness for all and fairness from all we will have a wonderful future as humans. You can imagine what will happen to us if we do not make this agreement. 

To make this a bargain that no one can refuse we establish a moratorium on prosecution from our unfairness of the past that resulted from the unfairness of the past. In other words humans are messed up in their thinking because of being born into a world of despicable unfairness. Unfairness is why all the tyrants try to take over the world. These tyrants can be from religion or from politics. 

They tried to get away with being unfair to me. I declare war against them all. If they agree to be fair to me I will protect them. If they refuse to be fair I will punish them with the help of the universal mind. I am an atheist.

This has always been a God war. They want me to surrender to them and their imaginary God or they want to be the Lord over me themselves. 

There either is an all powerful all knowing God that created us or not. It either exists or it does not exist. This is irrelevant to me. I would like to know the truth of this but we may never know. Did a God create the big bang? It may be impossible to go beyond and before to find out. What is relevant to me is if I am being done wrong by anyone anywhere. If so, I declare war against those that are being unfair to me. Would they rather have me protecting them as equals since we agree to be fair or would they choose to have me at war with them because they refuse to agree to be fair to me? The choice is theirs. I protect “The Way of Fairness” I/we want to end unfairness world wide. Join us. I/we will protect you from unfairness. 

If you’re not for the idea of fairness for everyone then you are not with us and we do not protect you from unfairness. We are only asking that everyone be fair to everyone. It is not difficult to be fair to everyone. There is no excuse for being unfair to anyone. Those that are unfair will be punished until they agree to be fair. Punishment must be fair. It is what we decide as a universal mind. 

My belief is that all minds are ruled by the all powerful all. It has no mind of its own. It is like gravity. It is the laws that rule physical reality. If the lights go out then it is dark. When there is no light it is totally dark and we cannot see. This is the nature of the all powerful. It was the big bang expansion that generated everything and from which our minds evolved from mindlessness. What is your belief? What is the actual truth? 

I believe the truth is actual and absolute. It is factual. There is evidence of truth even though we do not know exactly what it is. Our courts are based on evidence proving truth beyond a reasonable doubt. Some doubts are not reasonable. We are striving toward a world agreement that everyone agrees to be fair to everyone. Our unity can make this a requirement for all. Children are required to be fair to adults and adults are required to be fair to children.

We are within the law. We are not violent. Our threats are legal threats. Our war is a legal war. The law must agree to fairness also. We agree to establish justice for all. Justice is fairness. 

We have to stop unfairness ourselves. No one will do it for us. United together for fairness we will have the power to make it happen. Consider what will happen to us if we don’t make fairness happen. No one wants to be treated unfairly. If we focus on fairness our complex issues become easily resolved in an agreeable way to all. Deception is not fair. Truth will free us from unfairness. I am an atheist. What are you? All humans and all institutions, Governments, religions, families, gangs, etc must all agree for fairness instantaneously. We establish a day that the agreement goes into effect.