
Fairness For All. Fairness from All.

Fairness For All. Fairness From All.

We are the fair aspects of all religions and all political parties. We do not practice any of the unfair aspects. We do not care if you believe the all-powerful creator had a mind in the beginning or not. Believers claim it did. Atheists do not believe it had an all-knowing mind. This is irrelevant because we need to establish fairness for all and fairness from all or our future will be dreadful.

God helps those that help themselves. We need everyone’s help to make the way of fairness work. You can just start teaching fairness and talking about the things that are unfair so we can unite to stop the unfairness. We need everyone to unite for fairness for ourselves and families. Share this idea everywhere you can. If the whole world agrees to being fair then everyone can be forgiven of everything.

We are all born into the insanity of unfairness and so it makes sense to forgive the issues that happened because of unfairness. Political unfairness and unfairness from religions can be forgiven if everyone will agree to fairness for all the people. Communist nations and capitalist nations can agree on fairness for all and the entirety of humanity will no longer be treated unfairly. Forgiveness of war crimes would be a powerful incentive to get tyrants to stop being tyrants.

Can you think of anything that makes more sense than this? Humanity has always tolerated unfairness, and this must change ASP. All unfairness must be made illegal world wide. If people will agree to be fair to all they are totally forgiven. If they don’t agree, they should be punished. There is no excuse for unfairness to anyone. We all must be required to be fair to all. When you think about it, unfairness is the root of all human conflicts.

Our laws are not working because they are not focused on fairness for all. They are overly complex. We do not even need written laws at all. We just need to stop all unfairness. The governments can make this happen. If someone does something unfair, file a complaint with the judicial branch and the court is designed to find the truth about the unfairness and administer a fair resolution. Our system of written laws is failing. It has almost become a racket for making money.

People can be granted a fair way of life and the incentive for work will be to improve our lives rather than to make lots of money. Inventions would happen to improve our lives rather than to get wealthy. Corporations will be to improve our lives not to make a profit. All of us will profit from each other’s efforts to improve our lives. We will all work as a team rather than as enemies of each other. Our wealth will be our own happiness from living in a no war and no crime world. There will be no need for crime or wars.