
We Don’t Care What People Did: Secrets of the Satanists

We only care if they will be fair to us now. They may have done terrible things to others or to you. There is no way to know. Caring about what others did is just a problem for you. The only way of hope is to just convince them to not harm others anymore. We can create world of fairness where none gets treated unfairly from now on. The forgiveness, mercy and secrecy they get for joining us will persuade everyone to join. No one gets punished. It does not matter what they did anymore.

We don’t care who already gets this way of fairness stuff. We only care that everyone eventually gets it. We agree to be fair to everyone. This is who we are. We are The Way of Fairness.

Personal opinion is a good thing – True or False or maybe so? If you care what people did and what they hide from you then you will drive yourself crazy. I already did. Therefore, I won’t know. When we are unfair to others, we harm ourselves. We create destruction and hatred.

The Way of Fairness is the best thing going. It is giving powerful hope to many already. People have a new powerful purpose. People are becoming friends to everyone. People are loving each another. People are caring about each other. People are realizing that we need to love ourselves more than anything.

This is helping others from heaven and hell and from other places other than earth. Yup, it’s true. They told me so. Listen for personal telepathic messages and record them. This will result in your own personal victory. Attack thoughts are easily overpowered. Just tell them, “No, that is not true. Where is your evidence?” Just tell them, “You are not all powerful”