
The War About Religion

I claim the creator of all had no mind. Even though it had no mind it had all power in that it was all that exists. It still is all that exists and it still has no mind of its own. We have minds.  The creator is the creation. It is us. We are the creators’ minds. We serve the creator/creation with our minds. We are serving everyone and everything. 

I joined ET”s religion or Et joined mine or we jointly created one. It is devotion to the all powerful all. I suspect ET is more intelligent than we can even understand.

We should be able to agree that reality came from something before we were born and it will be here after we die. I am not providing evidence for this at this time. 

We should be able to agree, in the realm of time there would be a first cause of reality and we can call it the creator. It is the big band or cosmic expansion. 

I claim that even though there is no creator with will or knowledge, will and knowledge happened from evolution.

I argue that all the amazing things that are actually true told to us by religion can actually happen from the collective minds and will of the minds that are existent in reality. 

I argue that all religions are less powerful than the totality of reality. 

I argue beliefs that an all powerful all knowing creator told humans things that they must believe and that are true is false.

I argue all truth is the objective creator and all knowledge of truth came from the collective minds in creation. The minds became aware of creation. 

Everything that is known to be immoral happened from the minds and knowledge of the collective minds and not from the creator because the creator was mindless and unaware of anything. The creator had no feeling of pain and pleasure. 

I argue all things immoral are simply the things that are unfair and this knowledge of unfairness results from the collective minds of creation and not from the mindless creator 

I argue creation is one indivisible whole and knowledge of objective truth happened from the collective minds and not from the mindless creator. I argue objective truth is absolute and the collective minds do not create truth. Rather, minds become aware of truth. 

Objective truth is mindless but has all power. It cannot be changed from one thing to another. It originated as the mindless creator as it was and it is the creator as it is now.

 Objective truth is all powerful as it is the objective creator that is all that is. Creation has become aware as we have become aware from evolution. Minds happen from the brain and matter is aware because of the brain. Mind is a specific type of matter. 

Division of creation is not possible. The mind is limited in its awareness of creation. Minds will most likely never know everything so there is no state of knowing everything. There is no God that knows all things. The creator is mindless. Only minds have mind.

I argue it is unfair for people to claim they know what the creator wants or what the creator said. I could say people that tell us what the creator wants and says are evil and should be locked up. But if I said that I would be locked up too.