
The Grand Reversal (click here)

The grand reversal has happened. It’s too late now. Unfair people once harmed fair people. Now we can turn that around. Fair people are harming unfair people until they decide to be fair people too. Then we totally forgive and honor them. Fair people deserve secrecy and privacy in their personal lives. If people become fair, we will not care about their past. It is private.

There are still those that have not realized how seriously dangerous this can be to them. They scoff, they doubt, they still think they can get away with doing others wrong. They still think they can stay neutral and find safety in the world of halfway fair and halfway unfair. They think they can be halfway unfair to others halfway fair. They think they can keep the one they did wrong under their control. This just supplies the one done wrong with more pain and unpleasantness to transfer to the wrongdoer. The game of getting pleasure from the other one’s pain can be played by both the wrongdoer and the one done wrong. Are they so stupid that they think fair-minded people will not put them in a world of endless pain if need be? Are they so stupid to think fair-minded people will give up and accept second place when first place is what is deserved? There will be no compromise. There will only be total victory for fair minded people and total loss for wrongdoers. There is no fence to sit on. It has been removed. There is no fence. 

Are they so stupid that they think they can trick fair-minded people with lies? Are they so stupid to think they can control fair-minded people with fear? Do they not realize fair minded people can cast the burden of fear right back on the unfair wrongdoers? Wrong doers will be terrified and fair people can enjoy this even more than the unfair wrong doers enjoyed having fair minded people in fear of them. Are they so stupid to think fair people will want mercy from them? Reather, it will be the reverse, The wrongdoers will ask for mercy from fair minded people.

Do not let complexity blind you from the simple way of fairness for all and fairness from all. Fair-minded people will keep asking if wrongdoers are ready to agree to be fair yet or would you like more pain from choosing to not agree. Fair Minded people agree to be fair to everyone with no hesitation. Join us just cast the burden from unfairness back on the unfair where it belongs. Let them have all the pain and suffering. Let them live in the stench of their own making.

Did you know there is a battle within ourselves between good and evil fair and unfair? Surrender to the all-powerful all and agree to be fair. The ego self needs to be defeated. The all-powerful will not give you victory unless you surrender to it. We all surrender to one thing or another, one person or another unless the all-powerful all is what we have already surrendered to. Click the pic to see what I mean.

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