
The Blame Someone Else Tactic

The Blame Someone Else Tactic

A metaphor: The way of fairness is totally non violent and only uses agreed upon methods of discipline. Rape need to be stopped world wide.You approach a person that is being unfair to you and you tell them to stop. They point at someone else and tell the “someone else” to stop being unfair to you. The Unfair person has not become responsible yet. You speak more directed to the unfair irresponsible blamer telling them that you mean it  and that you are telling them directly not someone else. They kick sand at you. They say you are a bully. They tell you a lie about the situation. You tie them to a chair and get a bull horn and scream in their ear until it hurts. You tell them if they continue to be unfair to you you will turn the sound up until their head is blown right off their shoulders. They become totally brain dead. Problem solved. 

This is a metaphor about the ego problem in humanity. Brain dead means that our ego must surrender to the agreement to be fair to everyone. Some have talked about an ego death and a rebirth as metaphors. We may need to make them sign an agreement to be fair to us. If they continue, they need to be put in prison locked away from us.