
Replacement Theory Podcast

A Vision of the world without Tucker Carlson and Ted Cruz. No more Ted Cruz. Just click or touch the large title words above, then click or touch the orange words that say Replacement Theory 4 Edit 1. It might be scary. Be brave. It might feel like we really are getting rid of Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson. I don’t mean to… “kill them” Open the Podcast for the sake of your children’s future. You can also download it for your children that can be from any tribe and color. We are all one human family.

Life is about true intentions. Some people pray for the death of Tucker Carlson and Ted Cruz and also Rand Paul. Some people ask the all-powerful all to end their lives. Did people prayed for Hitler’s death It happened. They say he shot himself. I ask the all-powerful all to end the lives of Ted Cruz, Tucker Carlson and Rand Paul ASP. Rush Limbaugh ‘s life was ended by cancer. I am very happy he is dead. He was a big fat liar.

The all-powerful gives life and ends lives every day. Isiah 28:15 For you said, “We have made a covenant with death we have an agreement with Shoel; the overwhelming catastrophe passes through it will not touch us, because we have made lies our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.

Who made the bible up? We have entered the twilight zone or the holy bible. Thank the all powerful all I am an atheist. It has all the power and it is in a big fight with itself. Winners will rule the losers. We have the white Christian nationalists out numbered. We are everyone else in the universe.

We have hella real shit now. Have you noticed we are at war? Shit is real. Some shit don’t wash. Perhaps you God is not big enough. The all-powerful is all powerful. nothing else is all powerful. I am an atheist.