No One – No God, Devil or Lord is above us. We will punish them if they try to dominate any of us that are surrendered to the All Powerful All. Many of us are atheists. I am an atheist. We are all equals ruled by the all powerful all and the law of the land. All Gods and rulers lords etc., are ruled by the all powerful all and if they are human they are ruled by the law of the land. Any Individual human or otherwise that tries to rule us we will defeat. We surrendered to serve the All Powerful All. We serve the All Powerful All. We do not serve any other power. We are ruled by the law of the land but we do not serve it. It is still unfair. Everyone surrendered to the All Powerful All are fair to everyone and we punish those that are unfair to anyone. This is the people’s law. Everyone that joins us is totally forgiven and their past is irrelevant. Their past is a secret. We are totally independent from the law of the land but we are ruled by it. The law of the land needs to become fair to all. It needs to truly create justice for all. Servants of the All Powerful All are totally about fairness for everyone – justice for all. Justice for all and fairness for everyone are synonymous.