
My Atheist Manifesto

I am atheist because I believe the creator that is real has no mind. Mind emerged via evolution. I believe mind is a collective oneness. Everything is a unified whole. Some people call this God.

My Manifesto

Atheism, materialism, physicalism does not limit me from ET resurrection and or no death because of atheist ETs. I could be the most powerful human and be atheist because of atheist ETs giving me the power. I could never die and be an atheist. I am being attacked by others because of my beliefs. Others are trying to dominate me. They punish me for not surrendering to them and their belief in God. 

Do not do me wrong, Do not be mean to me. Do not twist my words. I will hurt you if you do.

I will not be unfair to you in any way. If you are unfair to me in any way I will hurt you to get you to stop. I agree with being ruled by law. Our laws are not effective in creating justice for all yet. This is what I want.  

God people think their imaginary God created me and has power over me. I think they are wrong. I think I have power over those who do me wrong because the ETs give me the power to punish them.

Believers are not big enough to dominate me. It is unfair for them to even try. They lack the power to force my surrender to them. They lack the power to force me to stop punishing them for doing me wrong. I want fairness for all including them.

Join us. We are The Way of Fairness. We do not want anyone to be treated unfairly. Unfairness is against our law of fairness for all.