
Banning Hatred Fails

Legislation against hate or banning hate is not going to stop the problem. We have one mass killing after another that are being called hate crimes. The root of this hate is unfairness. Humans do not trust other humans because of unfairness. The people decide to kill others because they feel the others will take over their world in an unfair way. Human history is one empire taking over other empires with violence and threats of violence. Terrorism is used. People are forced into silence. People who talk about it are threatened with violence. Threats of hitting or punching are common. Alice Miller explains this situation very well in her book FOR YOUR OWN GOOD Hidden cruelty in child rearing and the roots of violence. Authoritarian control becomes the norm. Democratic freedom and responsibility are not allowed. We do not all get our own vice in the matter. We are not protected from unfairness in the world of unfair people. This is not normal for humans to learn to be this way. Humans are how they are taught to be. We are being taught to attack others and dominate the world. There is no way to change this until the religions and governments and individuals all agree to be fair to everyone. Global friendship is labeled as evil. Hatred or condemnation of the other group is labeled as good.