A Way to Save Ourselves. The all is all powerful. Why is this true?
It takes two to Tango. There is usually fault on both sides. At first, we often realize we were not quite right with our simple conclusion about the problem. Then we begin to look at both sides and then there are more sides. Soon the issue has become very complex, and it begins to include the big picture – the whole picture.
There is always one word that can be used to describe the problem: Unfairness. We have gone from simple to complex and then back again to a simple solution for all conflicts. Get rid of the unfairness – all of it. Unfairness is worldwide and systemic. The system is unfair. The whole of humanity is unfair.
How do we change from worldwide unfairness to worldwide fairness? First we all need to agree to be fair to everyone. Then we adopt a single minded effort to get rid of unfairness to anyone and everyone. Especially to ourselves first. Then we also must quickly agree to be fair to the others. We must first get this mutual respect in place.
The wealthy and powerful are not being fair to the ordinary people. The “haves” are not being fair to the “have nots” The only way to get the powerful people to agree to be fair is by a large unity of ordinary people insisting on being treated fairly. Ordinary people are not being respected. Ordinary people are used in wars that happen because of the worldwide systemic unfairness.
It has been said there are no rules in war. In this unfair world, war is despicably evil. For the most part, it is the ordinary people that suffer in wars. The powerful elite have much less trouble themselves.
If we had worldwide fairness for all, there would be no wars, there would be no poverty, there would be no homlessness. Everyone would do their fair share of work. Everyone would have a job, so they can do their fair share of work. Everyone would be taking care of everyone. Everyone would care about everyone. We would no longer be enemies of the others. Religions and Nations would achieve fairness to each other.
Here is something to think about: Imagine there is a certain individual that is the all powerful God. God has established God’s religion. All the other religions are evil lies fighting against God’s religion. All atheists and other religions are enemies of God and must be defeated or killed. Also imagine that this – only right religion – is also wrong. What they have been claiming about the all-powerful is wrong. The God in these religions is imaginary. There is no evidence for this individual all-powerful person named God.
Here is a different way to conceive of the all powerful God: All that exists, is one objective reality. It is indivisible. It is whole and undivided. This is a fact. This is the all powerful all. Nothing is separate from it. This idea of the all powerful all creates unity and agreement. God is what everything and everyone is. However, no one is the all. No one is God. Everyone needs to serve this all whether you call it God or whether you are an atheist. There actually is an all powerful wholeness to everything. It is not a God. There are no Gods. There is that which is all. It is therefore all powerful.
It is understandable how this misunderstanding of the All Powerful happened. There always was a reality that has all power that we emerged within. We emerged through evolution, not from an all knowing being named God. We still and always will exist within the all powerful all.
The primitive beliefs that the war religions emerged from were also right about a moral order. The moral order emerged from the big bang and is a property of life. Life emerged from the non conscious non sentient big bang. Morality did not come from an all knowing being named God. The moral order is the way of life itself and is not decreed by some religion. All humans are born with the life’s moral order. It is fairness. We all want fairness or we will suffer and could become extinct. If someone steels your food you suffer. We all know it is wrong for someone to steal your food. All human knowledge and all things human emerged from the big bang. These words, these ideas emerged from the big bang. Strangely, these ideas are of the big bang – are of the all powerful all. Can you see the parallel with religious scripture?
People suffer with the idea that everything is God’s will. this is good news to know there is not an all knowing being that causes all the tragedy in our lives. There is no primordial enemy of God trying to break you. Instead, life is in conflict with itself. The war religions are trying to break you. They want you to surrender to their rule. We are surrendering to the all powerful all as it actually is, therefore no cult war religion can tell us we must surrender to their all powerful God idea that they belief in. We know/believe their God does not even exist. We know/believe the all powerful does exist and always will.
Our chosen morality is Be fair to everyone. Be kind to everyone. Be helpful to everyone. Be a friend to everyone. Ask the servants of the all powerful all to punish others that are unfair to us. These ideas of morality unite people everywhere they are used. Write them down, memorize them. Practice these ideas everyday. These ideas of morality create peace in the midst of unfairness conflicts.
The people of problem religions were born into the cult of a problematic religion. They were told there must be an all knowing creator and this creator is God. They were told that everyone must be afraid of God. They were told if they are against God and the cult religion they are doomed to hell. They were told everyone in a different religion is wrong and doing evil. The religion will not allow anyone to be against them. Those that are against the religion will be defeated by the method of the religion so God rules all. The fact is there are many religions all doing the same thing but with a different religion. These religions are suppose to defeat each other to rule the world as God wants them to. Obviously what they think is the all powerful is wrong. Imagine the all powerful happened with no God involved. Imagine reality came from the Big Bang as it actually is and there was no intelligent beings or Gods of any kind when it happened. Imagine life evolved from no life with no intelligent beings of any kind making it happen. All reality happened on its own simply because it can happen on its own. It has all power because it is all that is. It is everything. What I am arguing here is logical. I am not asking anyone to believe something that has no evidence.
Good people need a way to free those of us that are caught up in a problematic religion. First, we need a way to out argue them. We need a way to show them they lost, and we have the actual all powerful knowledge they need to win. We have the actual truth. There really is something with all power over us all. It is reality itself. There is no escape from what we actually are – from what actually is true. This is the good news. It means that all that exists is you. There is no real separation of anything.
Fair people do not cause disagreements and conflicts. Fair people resolve disagreements and conflicts. Unfair people cause the problems. Maybe we need to take action. We could tell them to leave from our place. We can terminate our friendship with unfair people. We could refuse to talk to unfair people. We could refuse to do anything for them. We could shun them. Be careful. Unfair people are harmful to fair people. Fair people need to protect themselves from unfair people.
Our Governmental laws are so complicated that they are incapable of stopping the unfairness. They are incapable of establishing justice for all. The unfair elite have created laws to benefit themselves. Their system has become a racket – a scheme to gain wealth and power at the expense of others. It has become an in group exploiting the out group. We need fair minded people in government to stop unfairness from within government.
Imagine a system of government that is designed to get rid of all the unfairness, both inside and outside itself. Imagine laws designed to create fairness for all. Imagine religions also are about getting rid of all unfairness, both inside and outside themselves.
I argue that all the mass shootings and killings were caused by worldwide systemic unfairness. I argue that all wars were caused by worldwide systemic unfairness. We already know it is unfair when a terroristic event happens that kills or harms innocent fair people. I argue that systemic world wide unfairness caused the people to become terrorists. I argue that this would not be happening if we eliminated the worldwide systemic unfairness. Love will not stop the hate that is being created. Our laws will not stop the unfairness. Stopping worldwide systemic unfairness will. We all need to agree to be fair to everyone. We all need to surrender to being fair to everyone everyday. We cannot justify unfairness for any reason. This is a very simple – but not easy – cure to the disease of worldwide systemic unfairness. Do you understand that the unfairness is within all of us. It is in our thinking. We need to change our evil – unfair – ways. I argue that the only evil is unfairness to yourself or someone else.
We can easily see how factions, groups, support groups, cults, religions, political parties, nations, etc. are a major part of our lives. These various groups or alliances create various beliefs that are unique to themselves. More and more, these beliefs are about the in groups being right and the other groups doing them wrong. These beliefs are not based on facts. Rather, they are based on unfairness. The in group demands that only the in group knows and tells the truth and the others are enemies to the truth. We are born into a world of people that are enemies to each other. We are born into a world of hatred. All too often these groups are about gaining power over the outsiders in an attempt to defeat and then rule them. These people that want to rule others become less and less concerned about actual truth and fairness. Hatred of the outsiders becomes the norm. Unfairness becomes the norm. More and more the in group believes it has the real truth and everyone else is delusional or brainwashed believing deception. The others become hateful too. More and more, the entire human family becomes hateful, believing falsehood and being unfair. These ingroups become unconcerned about fairness. They become mean and cruel. This is happening to the other groups as a reaction. The world of humans becomes increasingly insane from delusional thinking and trauma. Everyone is traumatized. Unfairness to others becomes the norm. Unfairness is a contagious disease. It is a worldwide systemic disease that has infected all of us.
I argue that the cause of all of this is a tolerance to unfairness. We allow unfairness in our religions. We allow unfairness in our politics. We allow unfairness in ourselves. Unfairness has become the norm. Denial of truth about ourselves and others becomes the norm. More and more, people refuse to admit the truth about how they are within themselves.
Being born into this unfairness makes humans hateful, delusional and unfair themselves. It becomes very understandable that all unfairness must be stopped.
Unfairness should not be allowed to happen to anyone from the time they are born until the time they die. It needs to become the norm that humans are required to admit the truth rather than denying the truth. Denying truth is the norm. Our system of law and order is not working. It creates denial of truth. People that are honest are punished. We need the system to teach everyone to be fair and not to create more unfairness.
We need to form a movement and a religion with the main purpose to stop all unfairness. This must be done in a fair and helpful way to all. It is not the people’s fault that they were born into this devastating unfairness. However, it is the responsibility of all to put an end to unfairness, both within ourselves and also in others. But first learn how to win yourself.
The primary purpose is to win. First things first. You are the first thing. We want you to win. This is the best way to truly win at the game of life or whatever this is. When all of us have won then the entire world will be practicing the way of fairness. This is true justice for all.
Directions to win:
Practice fairness, kindness and helpfulness in every situation. Be a friend to everyone in every situation. Love yourself more than anything. We do this practice to win more so than to be a good person. However, it is true that we should all be good people. Now I will explain about when others are a problem.
If someone does you wrong or disrespect you, ask the “All Powerful All” to punish the wrongdoer. Do not take matters into your own hands. Most people that do you wrong want you to react and make a mistake. They want to take control. They want to dominate you. They are trying to defeat you by doing you wrong. They enjoy your suffering. Do not play their game. Play your own game. Win them with the prayer or request of punishment on them. All wrong doers world wide should be punished by the All Powerful All. Unfair people need to change – We need to change their consciousness – their way of being – the way they think. They need to realize what they are doing is not working anymore. They are forced into a better version of themselves. They are forced into becoming good and right rather than wrong and bad. We want all people to be fair to everyone, to be kind to everyone, to be helpful to everyone and to be a friend to everyone. We are still friends to them, wanting their highest good. We want happiness for all. We want everyone to win. All humans must learn this teaching. This is how we win. We all help everyone and not against anyone.
When we pray to have problem people punished it saves us from needing to respond. This stoic non reactive mind has already defeated them. Wrongdoers intention is to humiliate and control you so they feel superior. Can you understand why practicing the way of fairness works? If not, give it a try to find out for yourself. I think all of us are a problem person so we must surrender to the all powerful all to become a non problem person. When we see we are a problem person, just keep affirming again and again: I am fair to everyone. I am kind to everyone. I am helpful to everyone. I am a friend to everyone.
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