
How to Win at Life (tap or click)

The primary purpose is to win. First things first. You are the first thing. We want you to win. This is the best way to truly win at the game of life or whatever this is. When all of us have won then the entire world will be practicing the way of fairness. This is true justice for all.  

Directions to win:

Practice fairness, kindness and helpfulness in every situation. Be a friend to everyone in every situation.  Love yourself more than anything. We do this practice to win more so than to be a good person. However, it is true that we should all be good people. I will now communicate about when others are a problem. 

If someone does you wrong or disrespect you ask the “All Powerful All” to punish the wrongdoers. Do not take matters into your own hands. Most people that do you wrong want you to react and make a mistake. They are trying to defeat you by doing you wrong. They enjoy your suffering. Do not play their game. Play your own game. Win them with the prayer or request of punishment on them. All wrong doers world wide should be punished by the All Powerful All. Unfair people’s consciousness – their way of being – the way they think – needs to change. They need to realize what they are doing is not working anymore. They are forced into a better version of themselves. We are still friends to them, wanting their highest good. We want happiness for all.

When we pray to have them punished it saves us from needing to respond at all. This stoic non reactive mind has already defeated them. Wrongdoers intention is to humiliate you so they feel superior.  Can you understand why practicing the way of fairness works? If not, give it a try to find out for yourself.

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